Dental crowns are among the most common options when you need dental restoration services. For many people, hearing the words - you need a crown -is one of the most dreaded phases of a dental visit. The astonishment that follows this statement is usually because many of us are unsure if we need a dental crown and if it is necessary.
What Is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is a cap or a covering that a dentist uses to replace the structure of your natural tooth. It is considered the best option for chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, especially when the filling needed is too large for the tooth to support.
The Dental Crown Procedure
Your first visit for a dental crown is like a preparation where the dentist shapes the tooth and later takes its impressions. The dentist also places a temporary crown as you await the next visit because crown fabrication could take a few weeks. Modern dental clinics have advanced technologies that can reduce your visit from two to a single visit.
Are Dental Crowns Always Necessary?
There are other options that your dentist can use to restore your damaged tooth. For example, you can opt for a dental filling. However, a dental crown is inevitable when the filling makes up to 50 percent or more of your tooth. Such fillings are ineffective in saving the tooth because they weaken it and make it vulnerable to irreparable damage. You might opt for a filling and still need a crown later.
A dental crown is also inevitable when your tooth is cracked, and it causes pain when you bite. Inevitably, it is best to have a dental crown when your tooth has a crack because dentists categorize that issue as a serious condition. Bones usually heal when they crack, but a tooth will not heal however long it takes.
Understandably, dental crowns are invasive, and you have a good reason to be slightly apprehensive. However, you can always visit our clinic, and we will answer all your questions thoroughly and compassionately.
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Colorado Springs Dental Blog | SmileCOS Dentistry SmileCOS Dentistry, 1714 N. Circle Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80909-2409 / (719) 394-3304 / / 2/6/2025 / Related Phrases: Dentist Colorado Springs CO /